I am grateful!

I am grateful for the emerging spirituality in our world. I am grateful for my little grandson. I am grateful for the Dragons, the Serendipties, the Ascended Masters and Angelic Realm. I am grateful for the Akashic Records Guides, and all my guides.


My Grandson – no, just a model!

I am grateful for the movement in the world towards peace. We are in our final stages of bondage being released very quickly, and it is getting very exciting!

I am grateful for good health and good food. I am healthier than I have been in years! I am grateful for all my students world wide.

I am grateful for an amazing staff, Grant and Kim and a triple amazing husband! He is my beloved, my friend, my companion, my champion! I am so grateful.

Thank you all – for being in my life. Thank you for all who have joined my membership site! I’m so grateful!

Channelled Predictions

through Maureen J. St. Germain

From the Ascended Masters:

Originally posted in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, Predictions issue December 2017

We greet you this day,

We are the members of the Great Karmic Board

Our spokesperson is the Goddess of Liberty.

We wish to speak to you as the plural. We first wish to remind you that the opening of the Hall of Records for anyone to access to access their own Akashic Records has been in place for quite some time. We encourage you to open your own records and if you do not have the skill to take the class wherever you can, whenever you can!

“No more Karma” reminder

This will give you greater understanding of the reality you live in. This channel has been carrying our message about the release from karmic obligations and the release from karmic debt. This is still difficult for many to understand.

statue-of-liberty-1922168__340Take some time and contemplate what this might mean for humanity to be able to transition into a world filled with LIGHT where there is no need to keep track of another’s behavior because their behavior does not require tracking.

How to release judgement

When you are locked in your polarity reality you want to keep score, you want to right the wrongs and we say to you, look upon it as an opportunity to let go of the old paradigm and move into the reality you are creating. Make no mistake, this creation is your creation. This is why in 2018 we want you to abandon your desire for retribution of any kind, towards anyone; to seek to be with people who are like-minded so that there is no need to concern yourself with another’s behavior. We can tell you that your reality is changing rapidly and the transition is in place. You are well on your way and you will see even in this very year dramatic shifts of every kind with regard to business, with regard to social structures, with regard to how you carry money, and how you exchange with others and interconnect with others.

Power outages

You will see electric power blackouts in segments of the country. Read More

The Sacred Solstice December 21, 2017


Solstice Energy

I call it the Sacred Solstice because this year is quite special. Ordinarily, this is one of the holiest days of the year, second only to your birthday. (See my birthday blog post.) It is related to the fact that this is the shortest day of the year, where we can literally “go dark” and be still within.

This cycle we are moving into true mastery, and our unseen helpers have cleared the way, but we must do our part. This time is especially remarkable because it truly is up to us, to become 5th dimensional.

First believe it is possible to Wake up in 5D, and then claim it! Make sure you ask, when you retire, I am waking up in 5D. You will be amazed at how much your energy will change. You can do it every night but for sure start!

Ceremony ideas

Many of you are hoping to do ceremony this day. Yet it may elude you because of many holiday responsibilities, and because with the retrograde in place, you may not have as much time as you thought!

Here’s a quick solution.

Ask for help

First ask your dragons, Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, and God to help you to create a plan and space for you, time, patience and opportunity.  Ask them to give you clarity to finish up your errands with grace, ease, and speed! Let them direct you in ways you had not thought of. Be open to change, be flexible and kind.

Waiting Line Gratitude

Next, if you are in a waiting line – use that as your opportunity! Close your eyes for a moment while in line – Breathe, three times slowly. Start thinking of everything you are grateful for. My husband and I have been given gifts of a new understanding of each other. To celebrate our “new relationship” we now share three gratitude statements, first thing in the morning, each day. We take turns, each naming one thing we are grateful for, then the other shares. Back and forth we go. It is fun to hear what my partner names. It definitely affects us for the rest of the day!

Letting Go Gratitude

Next, think of the things you are done with. Illness, bad relationships, hurt feelings, health issues. All of it. Breathe three times again, emphasizing your exhale. Tell yourself, “I’m ready to let go of anything that stands in the way of my happiness.” Know that this special night of darkness can release all of it.

Create Your

New Matrix this Way

Let your dreams and desires fill you – just for a moment – worry not how will they occur, just allow yourself to imagine you are that person – who is perfect, for you. Imagine that even if you don’t know how you are so satisfied,  you ARE satisfied with all the things that you have resisted. Next, invite the Serendipities into you. Ask them to come, and fill your pranic tube of you with their love and light. See this amazing group of iridescent sparkly energy fill and flood you with love, and comfort and completeness. Again, thinking of this long dark night, miracles can and will occur. Then enjoy yourself.

Integrate your dream into the Gridwork

If you have time, consider this same idea for the earth and all her inhabitants. Don’t’ be too quick to define it, yet see all the “problems” resolved amicably and everyone is filled with awe and wonder. So much magic has occurred that some don’t even remember the world they used to live in!

Finally, put this magic into the grid. If you can, do this meditation with friends or by yourself. We are strong and capable of changing the earth. Each one of us can contribute our mastery to this opportunity.

I love you all so much!

Gridwork from the HathorsGridwork-with-the-Hathors

Contact with Pleiadian Light Ship

Eclipse – an important opportunity to the community

Yesterday I completed Level III of Akashic Records workshop in Shanghai, China. They (messengers of light from the Pleiadian ship) have a very specific, message for everyone who was listening. “See yourself as a sentry, to the portal that opens when the moon crosses in front of the sun.”

If you don’t like some of the dark stuff that’s going on in the world, now you can do something about it!

Sunset Whidby Island4How do you do that?
Offer yourself as a body of light. Don’t do it alone, ask for your angels and guides, Archangel Michael to stand with you. Invite K-17 head of the cosmic secret service to join you, and bring his team.

We can make a Ring-pass-not of LIGHT that surrounds any portal opening at the eclipse that only allow energy of love or light to pass through.

Then enjoy the eclipse – as you were planning. Join the community – of watcher, or observers of the watchers, and have fun. Laugh, stay in your joy.

We are powerful. We are expanding. We have the power of light to shine on all.

We are the Pleiadian masters who work with Maureen.

Special Edition regarding global threats

moon-Blue769918_1920I write this from my hotel room in Shanghai. I listened to a newscast last night – by a well respected broadcaster – about the world drama, sanctions against North Korea and retaliation along with threats from the other side.

I’d like to remind you that our thoughts create our future. Let us see this threat as a real possibility – for change. Let us see that even though the “powers that were” are itching for a fight, there are other players that can and could intervene.

Let us pray for a miracle. Let us pray for detente. Let us pray for change in North Korea. Let us ask for Divine intervention for all involved. Let us ask for the Serendipities, masters of diplomacy to step in and assist all parties involved.

Let us use our creative visualization, asking “I wonder how North Korea was able to save face, and change their country enough?” or “I wonder how the UN sanctions produced such a miraculous 


outcome.” “I wonder how it all worked out so well! Then marvel, in your mind’s eye, that the peaceful solution was found easily, and gracefully.

My angels and guides have been saying for YEARS, there will never be another N war. EVER. I’ve been writing this since the late 90’s.

If you’d like an astrological take on the situation, I wish to share an excerpt from my friend and astrologer, Madeline Gerwick’s newsletter:

Even more important though is that the total Solar Eclipse is exactly on North Korea’s Saturn at 28 degrees Leo 46 minutes (the eclipse is at 28 Leo 53 minutes!). This suggests that North Korea’s controls, their structures, their ability to manage the country is eclipsed – obscured and/or reduced. Since Saturn co-rules their 2nd house of finances and their 3rd house of neighbors (other nearby countries), both those areas are also reduced.
We already see this with the major sanctions from the United Nations. The Security Council voted 100% in favor of this, including China and Russia, two key allies of North Korea. They are sending a strong signal to North Korea to “wake up – the rules have changed and we’re not your allies any more unless you change this path.”
North Korea is losing $1 billion dollars worth of their exports to China and Russia, and their total exports are only $3 billion. This is a significant loss for them.
Now here’s the hard part. Remember that Mars in Scorpio that will fight to the death in the North Korean chart? That could be a problem. 
They are now faced with starving a large portion of their country to death or changing their path. With this Mars in Scorpio, they are unlikely to want to change their path. Scorpio is a fixed sign and not easily swayed from a fight.
However, as I’ve mentioned, this Solar Eclipse has a lot of HELP with it. Uranus is trine the Solar Eclipse, suggesting unexpected help comes with this eclipse. So Uranus is exactly trine North Korea’s Saturn, suggesting they get help with this major challenge, so they don’t have to get blown up. (And likewise, they come to their senses before they blow up anyone.)
Which country plays the part of Uranus and fixes this mess? Although everyone is waiting for China to fix it, my bet is on Russia. All Asian cultures place a high value on respect, status and honor.
From a cultural point of view, China is handicapped in terms of fixing the problem. Russia is not. This is another reason why the US needs to have better relations with Russia.
Putin is a Libran, a sign that values fairness, balance and harmony. It’s not a sign that wants war. Putin is also on the cutting edge of world politics; he understands the Populist Movement, similar to Trump.
He threw the Cabal out of the Russian banks and they hate him for it. Russia is also very far ahead of the US in science and they have made incredible discoveries. So in these senses, Russia is a maverick – and could be represented by Uranus in Aries. If there’s any chance of reigning in North Korea, it’s probably Russia who can do it.
If Trump was not threatening war solutions (“fire, fury and power”), Russia (or any other country) would have no chance to effectively reign in North Korea.
It’s the REAL threat that Trump will not hesitate to use force, if necessary, that gives the other country (whoever plays Uranus) the opportunity to resolve this situation without a gigantic disaster. It’s a bit like the good cop, bad cop scenario that we’ve seen in plenty of movies or TV shows.
Also keep in mind that we’re entering Mercury retrograde on Saturday, August 12th. There will be a lot to rethink over the next month for all parties, and especially North Korea.
Mercury is in Virgo, an analytical and detail-oriented mind. This energy is likely

unicorn-2006868_640to calm the situation as North Korea gets a realistic picture of how the sanctions will impact them.


Now go back and read my 3rd  paragraph!
And if you believe in the Serendipties, call them for their resounding diplomacy! And the unicorns for resilience for the solution to emerge. Remember, the unicorn was the emblem of the Scots – warriors known for their staying power.

Stacey Goode & Clearing work

Bravo to Stacey Goode, (wife of popular Super Secret Space Program Insider) for admitting they used the name of Jesus to clear out entities that wouldn’t leave any other way. I usually use the name of Archangel Michael.

Stacey goes on to tell how before the clearing work, it was difficult for Corey to speak about his service with the SSP. And she mentions even their dog wouldn’t go near him! After the clearing work, the dog wanted to sit on his lap, and Corey was able to speak clearly without getting hung up with nervousness or reactionary emotions.

My guides have explained why it’s important to use a revered being’s name when commanding these imposters to leave. Read More