Special Edition regarding global threats

moon-Blue769918_1920I write this from my hotel room in Shanghai. I listened to a newscast last night – by a well respected broadcaster – about the world drama, sanctions against North Korea and retaliation along with threats from the other side.

I’d like to remind you that our thoughts create our future. Let us see this threat as a real possibility – for change. Let us see that even though the “powers that were” are itching for a fight, there are other players that can and could intervene.

Let us pray for a miracle. Let us pray for detente. Let us pray for change in North Korea. Let us ask for Divine intervention for all involved. Let us ask for the Serendipities, masters of diplomacy to step in and assist all parties involved.

Let us use our creative visualization, asking “I wonder how North Korea was able to save face, and change their country enough?” or “I wonder how the UN sanctions produced such a miraculous 


outcome.” “I wonder how it all worked out so well! Then marvel, in your mind’s eye, that the peaceful solution was found easily, and gracefully.

My angels and guides have been saying for YEARS, there will never be another N war. EVER. I’ve been writing this since the late 90’s.

If you’d like an astrological take on the situation, I wish to share an excerpt from my friend and astrologer, Madeline Gerwick’s newsletter:

Even more important though is that the total Solar Eclipse is exactly on North Korea’s Saturn at 28 degrees Leo 46 minutes (the eclipse is at 28 Leo 53 minutes!). This suggests that North Korea’s controls, their structures, their ability to manage the country is eclipsed – obscured and/or reduced. Since Saturn co-rules their 2nd house of finances and their 3rd house of neighbors (other nearby countries), both those areas are also reduced.
We already see this with the major sanctions from the United Nations. The Security Council voted 100% in favor of this, including China and Russia, two key allies of North Korea. They are sending a strong signal to North Korea to “wake up – the rules have changed and we’re not your allies any more unless you change this path.”
North Korea is losing $1 billion dollars worth of their exports to China and Russia, and their total exports are only $3 billion. This is a significant loss for them.
Now here’s the hard part. Remember that Mars in Scorpio that will fight to the death in the North Korean chart? That could be a problem. 
They are now faced with starving a large portion of their country to death or changing their path. With this Mars in Scorpio, they are unlikely to want to change their path. Scorpio is a fixed sign and not easily swayed from a fight.
However, as I’ve mentioned, this Solar Eclipse has a lot of HELP with it. Uranus is trine the Solar Eclipse, suggesting unexpected help comes with this eclipse. So Uranus is exactly trine North Korea’s Saturn, suggesting they get help with this major challenge, so they don’t have to get blown up. (And likewise, they come to their senses before they blow up anyone.)
Which country plays the part of Uranus and fixes this mess? Although everyone is waiting for China to fix it, my bet is on Russia. All Asian cultures place a high value on respect, status and honor.
From a cultural point of view, China is handicapped in terms of fixing the problem. Russia is not. This is another reason why the US needs to have better relations with Russia.
Putin is a Libran, a sign that values fairness, balance and harmony. It’s not a sign that wants war. Putin is also on the cutting edge of world politics; he understands the Populist Movement, similar to Trump.
He threw the Cabal out of the Russian banks and they hate him for it. Russia is also very far ahead of the US in science and they have made incredible discoveries. So in these senses, Russia is a maverick – and could be represented by Uranus in Aries. If there’s any chance of reigning in North Korea, it’s probably Russia who can do it.
If Trump was not threatening war solutions (“fire, fury and power”), Russia (or any other country) would have no chance to effectively reign in North Korea.
It’s the REAL threat that Trump will not hesitate to use force, if necessary, that gives the other country (whoever plays Uranus) the opportunity to resolve this situation without a gigantic disaster. It’s a bit like the good cop, bad cop scenario that we’ve seen in plenty of movies or TV shows.
Also keep in mind that we’re entering Mercury retrograde on Saturday, August 12th. There will be a lot to rethink over the next month for all parties, and especially North Korea.
Mercury is in Virgo, an analytical and detail-oriented mind. This energy is likely

unicorn-2006868_640to calm the situation as North Korea gets a realistic picture of how the sanctions will impact them.


Now go back and read my 3rd  paragraph!
And if you believe in the Serendipties, call them for their resounding diplomacy! And the unicorns for resilience for the solution to emerge. Remember, the unicorn was the emblem of the Scots – warriors known for their staying power.

belizesacredfireDragons are showing up at every ceremony for the Earth. I photographed this Fire Dragon at a ceremony in Beliz where I served as one of the spiritual leaders of an organized Sacred Journey. I certainly feel their presence. Fortunately, my photo from the very special ceremony clearly showed the fire dragon many of us were observing. We were praying for Mother Earth and her well being.

It’s time for all of us to step up and into our mastery! The dragons have been with us for a very long time but were pushed out of the reality – by authorities that didn’t want us to know the truth. Dragons help us with clarity, understanding the reality, and knowing what our next step might be. in the above ceremony, we were releasing our old patterns to make room for new magical ones.

I’ve discovered there is an emergence of teachers being called to teach on the dragons. Five years ago, when I was first getting messages from the Dragons I couldn’t find a single published article on the dragons. I was feeling a little nervous about the information coming in – yet couldn’t deny it! Now there are quite a few spiritual teachers raising our awareness of these Interdimensional beings. Below is a quote from a teacher based in Japan, who is from India and contemporary of mine.

“In the beginning of earth’s history, there were 12 dragons who volunteered to establish the energy grids on this planet for all life forms to flourish. These guardians held the creative elemental forces from which the foundations of life in the Universe are made of. At this time of great spiritual shift, these potent energies that have been held in time-lock for millennia have now been released for humanity to access. These benevolent beings of great wisdom are returning once again to help us transition into a new wave of consciousness.” From my friend and fellow spiritual teacher…. Rae Chandron.

Slide017In the grid picture left, you will see grids that were drawn by a mystical artist who wishes to remain anonymous. She gifted this photo to me along with its companion art, to illustrate what she had been seeing as part of the transformation of the earth. It is a powerful image of a very powerful grid – very possibly one of the new grids of the new earth!

Corey Goode and Cobra reveal a very interesting bit of intel about the energies around the earth that were used to hold humanity back.

The 3D pyramids around the earth shoot energy outward and connect to a grid that surrounds the earth. Beings that have harnessed human’s lowest polarity emotional energy have used this “inner grid” for containing human’s behaviors and creating a network that encourages the average person to be locked into the lower vibrational energies. It was nearly impossible to disrupt. Until recently this information has been held in secret.

Many individuals are involved in planetary gridwork. You may wish to join them. When you hold ceremony (preferably outside) you bring more light and love (i.e. abundance) into your world. If holding your ceremony or meditation outside is not possible – then you may hold your ceremony indoors, with an out-of-doors location clearly in your mental awareness.

You might call in your dragons to assist you with your gridwork. You might ask your dragons what needs to be done with regard to Gridwork. Or you can meditate on a harmonious energy moving through you to your dragons who will clarify and direct your energy to the grids that need it.

Enter Gridwork with the Hathors – Bridge of LightHathros Gridwork

Back in 2008, a group of like-minded individuals connected with me to create a “Bridge of Light” to serve multiple purposes for planetary humans. This Bridge of Light, between the Earth and the planet Venus created a transport grid that allows for instantaneous energy movement in both directions. The Bridge of Light is also a tunnel, converting the energy of the third dimension into fifth-dimensional energy. Connecting with it allows you to become fifth dimensional merging your energies with the Hathors. I’ve also been told that the Bridge could be used as an emergency escape for excessive heat from Earth. Venus can handle the higher temperature even though Earth and humans cannot.

The Bridge allows energy that is “called forth” from the Hathors to contribute to the planetary evolution of humans and to assist humankind in its transformation into higher frequencies of love and light. In addition, your “love and appreciation” of the inter-planetary supporters will support the evolution of all of life. Free will is an important component to that process. The Bridge of Light successfully prevented darkness from expanding on the earth. When tapped into it breaks up those harmful grid patterns and prevents them from completing their circuit.

It’s time to re-activate and connect with all the grids of the earth and especially The Bridge of Light. You may envision a network of sacred geometry, of latitude and longitude lines and other geometries around the earth that may need an infusion of unconditional love. Use your connection to the Bridge of Light (and to the Great Central Sun) to infuse all the other grids with light. Many who have used the Bridge of Light have even experienced a surge of loving energy as you work with it.

In addition, the Bridge of Light also encourages the evolution of humanity, creating a newer vibrational field that supports human love and light, because the Hathors and humans can work together mutually infusing love energy into the Earth.

Stacey Goode & Clearing work

Bravo to Stacey Goode, (wife of popular Super Secret Space Program Insider) for admitting they used the name of Jesus to clear out entities that wouldn’t leave any other way. I usually use the name of Archangel Michael.

Stacey goes on to tell how before the clearing work, it was difficult for Corey to speak about his service with the SSP. And she mentions even their dog wouldn’t go near him! After the clearing work, the dog wanted to sit on his lap, and Corey was able to speak clearly without getting hung up with nervousness or reactionary emotions.

My guides have explained why it’s important to use a revered being’s name when commanding these imposters to leave. Read More

be-a-genie-product-slider-thumbnail“Particularly interesting are Maureen St. Germain’s observations on what she calls the Phoenix Sequence. In a time of psycho-babble and political correctness, it is indeed refreshing to read something rooted in the timeless principles which remain as relevant to the human soul today as they have since the dawn of awareness on this planet. Good fortune.” Doug Kenyon, Editor, Atlantis Rising Magazine Read More

March 21, 2017 Hong Kong, China,
channeled by Maureen J. St. Germain

This is the Great Divine Director who has joined you from afar. I hold the matrix for this planet. I hold each of you in my heart. I wish to speak with you about this idea of “no more karma.” And tell you that it is far more reaching than you realize. By making yourself aware and allowing this information through you, you have created a matrix that now reflects to everyone in your world. Everyone you speak with, everyone you touch will be changed.

There is no need to keep score anymore. Take each moment as it comes. Let go of your wounds. Hanging on to your wounds punishes you more than the other (person.) It keeps the game going, where it need not continue. So let it all go.

No More Karma

We know this is not easy. But even among you, you know that so much happiness awaits you when the game is over. Everyone celebrates. Start thinking in those terms. And be the first to be of the new game, the new game where there is only love. The game is over when there are no more players. Will you be the first to leave or the last? Do not struggle with this information, even that will keep you in the game. Instead, ask me to help you release any attachment you have to this (3D polarity matrix) game, ask me to bring into your world whatever it is you feel you have lost.

The Wayshowers

Know with absolute certainty, you are one of the way showers. The way showers are showing the way. Do not press this information on anyone who would not be ready to hear it. Let it unfold in its natural way. We remind you again, that even resistance will keep you in the game. We remind you of that first conversation Maureen had with someone over 22 years ago, her spiritual friends said, “How can this be?” And Maureen nodded in agreement and said, “I don’t know. I just know it is so.” This is not a reasoning opportunity. This is simply a choice. I will help you hold your new matrix if you ask. Call upon me daily, when you go into (any prayer) the Akashic Records, say my name. If you cannot go into the Akashic Records daily, at least call my name, and I will be with you and hold the matrix (for you.)

This is simply a choice. I will help you hold your new matrix if you ask. Call upon me daily, when you go into (any prayer) the Akashic Records, say my name. If you cannot go into the Akashic Records daily, at least call my name, and I will be with you and hold the matrix (for you.)

The Great Divine Director notices

Some of you are wearing your sacred geometry. He says, “Keep wearing your Sacred Geometry. It will help you hold your matrix. You do not have to wear the same pieces every day. You can ask your Higher Self to help you choose each day. When you are attracted to a piece, that you have not yet planned on buying, ask your Higher Self!

Once in a while you will be told to buy a piece that is not for you. (Laughter) and after you get it home, we will tell you that it is not for you! This is for your friend, and you will say, OK. There is so much love for you. We love and cherish each and every one of you. You are the change we have been waiting for. Be modest and kind. The rest will follow.”

Goddess of Liberty,

 January 30, 2017 San Diego, CA, USA

Channeled by Maureen J. St. Germain

Goddess of Liberty brooklynThis is a time of cloudiness in awareness. You are starting to be different, and act differently, and yet you do not feel clarity about what is happening or what might be happening. We say to you, that each of you, individually are being given opportunities to shift and change.

This is the Goddess of Liberty holding space for the transition that is occurring in your reality. You see change in front of you, perhaps not as quickly as you would like. You see awareness of potential problems and you are calling them out as they come up. Read More

Great Divine Director, March 21, 2017 Hong Kong, China,
channeled through Maureen J. St. Germain to live audience

No more karma

This is the Great Divine Director who has joined you from afar. I hold the matrix for this planet. I hold each of you in my heart. I wish to speak with you about this idea of “no more karma.” And tell you that it is far more reaching than you realize.

By making yourself aware and allowing this information through you, you have created a matrix that now reflects to everyone in your world. Everyone you speak with, everyone you touch will be changed. There is no need to keep score anymore. Take each moment as it comes. Let go of your wounds. Hanging on to your wounds punishes you more than the other (person.) It keeps the game going, where it need not continue. So let it all go.

How can there be no Karma? Read More

More from the Dragons

Today I pre-recorded “The Practical Mystic” my radio show on HealthyLife.net Radio about becoming fifth dimensional also included a discussion  about the dragons. I’m happy to report and tell my stories about the Dragons. I encourage you to share as well. There is a new variety of dragons that have come to the earth – to assist with our ascension. Some say they were mythological creatures, but I doubt it, since there are so many artistic renderings of them, finding their way into our museums. They were revered and tamed. Today, the dragons have returned to humanity to help them find their true authentic selves.

Dragon and Crown

Dragon with Initial E, with a crown.

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Waking up in 5D

How the heck are you going to pull it off? Easy in 5D.

Concert Tickets for a concert we didn’t even know about!

A few weeks ago, I was in the car with my husband, near our Seattle home, with our ipod scrolling through various songs that he has in his music library when singer Brandy Carlisle came up. I had never heard her sing. As I listened to her, I commented to my husband, “I really like her music we should go see her sometime.” I spoke this as if I knew that we could see her locally. Brandi_Carlile_LiveMy husband nodded and said, “Well she’s from Seattle you know, and she sometimes performs with the Seattle Symphony.” He added, “I’ll go online and see.” The next day he informed me that he was holding tickets for the Sunday after Thanksgiving where she was indeed performing with the Seattle Symphony!

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